Welcome to IMG's New Look
Well, after many months of preperation, going through a few designs, and some delays, we've finally come up with something we think is pretty cool.

Rainbow Six
Tom Clancy built Red Storm Entertainment with Rainbow Six in mind. He was a lead designer of the game, drawing from his experience writing best selling, espionage riddled books. The PC game has done well enough to spawn an expansion pack, Eagle Watch, and inspire a new Rainbow Six-type game in development. And now, with the help of MacSoft, the RAINBOW team is poised to make its debut on the Mac.

Total Annihilation
Total Annihilation is yet another entry into the Real-Time Strategy genre, positioned squarely between Starcraft and Command and Conquer; the rivalry and bickering between the fans of the two games on the PC side is legendary. Mac users are getting this game a bit late; in fact, almost a year and a half after the debut on the PC side. Accordingly, this game looks and feels a bit antiquated, especially the rendered cutscenes and ponderous mission briefings. Thankfully, however, classic, authentic gameplay never goes out of style

Descent 3
Descent fans across the land have something special in store for them. The vertigo inducing 3D shooter – Descent 3, being ported to the Mac by Duane Johnson of Graphic Simulations, stands to score big and go deep when it hits Macs everywhere. This sequel to end all sequels contains a little bit of everything that gamers want and more. We are talking eye candy, gameplay, enemy AI, weapons, and devious levels that leave you spinning. That’s right folks, Descent 3 is going to kick some Mac gaming butt upon its release.

Traitor's Gate
It is considered to be the most valuable treasure in the world, however its symbolic value by far exceeds it´s material value. Literally millions have been spent to protect it. There has been only one attempt to steal it in the last 500 years, and that attempt failed. Now it is under threat and you have to steal it with the utmost discretion, the minimum of force and you have only 12 hours to manage it.

Age of Empires
After many months of waiting, Age of Empires is finally upon us. Thanks to MacSoft, this Microsoft game (that's right, Microsoft!) is now available on the Mac. Was it worth the wait? Is Age of Empires as good as you've heard it is? IMG's Christopher Morin reviews the game that garnered the attention of the PC world last year.

Bugdom is one of those games that reviewers love to call ‘deceptively simple: easy to pick up and learn, tough to master. With its cartoonish graphics, lack of bloodshed, happy color scheme and funny sounds, it is obviously not aimed at the serious gamer. How good is it? Read on...

Starcraft: Brood War
With Brood War, Blizzard has unleashed the massively popular (on the PC side) add-on pack to the best-selling StarCraft. Brood War has reset the standard for mission packs on both platforms, showing the gaming industry (for at least the third time) how things should be done.

Caesar III iFX 4000 USB
The Gungan Frontier SFS Flight Controller USB
Skydive Squirrel Kombat
Redneck Rampage Burning Monkey Solitaire 2
Cyborg 3D USB Lost Souls

A Visit to MacSoft
Since 1993 MacSoft has been publishing great games for the Mac. Thanks to them, games like Unreal, Civilization II, and a host of other games have made their way to the Mac. But very little is known of MacSoft or how they got started. Armed with a video camera, IMG's Zack Stern recently visited MacSoft in search of answers.

Guide to Buying Games Online
Having a hard time finding games for your Mac at your local CompUSA? More and more Mac gamers are going to the web to buy games. In his debut column, Jeff Wescott takes an in-depth look into some of the more popular online shops that offer game for the Mac.

GameRanger: Open for Business
In July, Scott Kevill quietly launched GameRanger, a free Mac gaming service that provides real-time chatting, gathering of games, and more. Today GameRanger boasts over 6,000 members, despite still being in beta. Get the inside scoop on GameRanger and tips from IMG's own, Jennifer Ho.

Guide to Game Emulators for the Mac
Interview: id's John Carmack
Quake III's Magic Bus
Interview: 3dfx Bryan Speece
My Adventures in USB Hell
Interview: Halo's Jason Jones
Quake 3 Test 1.0.8 First Impressions
Interview: Outrage's Matt Toshlog

Strategy & Tactics: Caesar III
In Caesar III, everything revolves around your ability to build and grow your city around the needs of your citizens and the goals of the scenario. There are no perfect cities, or optimal building blocks. IMG uncovers strategies and guidlines to use on your quest to become emperor of Rome.

Strategy & Tactics: Starcraft
Need a hand in Starcraft? Bishnu Bhattacharyya's in-depth guide for Starcraft takes you through the Protoss, Zerg, and Terran campaigns, complete with maps and screenshots.

Strategy & Tactics: Imperialism II
Imperialism II isn't a piece of cake to get through. Getting winning strategies as well as hints and tips for Imperialism I.

Get caught up on the latest news! Read the highlights from the IMG daily news.

This edition of newsbriefs has news on WarCraft III from Blizzard Entertainment, Apple's hot new G4 systems, Worms: Armageddon coming to the Mac, Madden 2000 for the Mac coming in Mid-October, Take-Two's Acquisition of 19.9% of Bungie Software, as well as SimCity 2000 shipping for the Mac.

Lethal Weapon G4
On August 31st, Apple debuted the Power Macintosh G4. Along with it, the company also introduced a hilarious ad dubbed "Lethal Weapon G4". Now doesn't the adwant to make you buy one?

Halo Unveiled at Macworld
In late July Bungie Software showed for the first time it's new game entitled Halo. Here's a clip (courtesy of Gamespot) of Halo in action. The game is due in the first half of 2000.

Diablo II "Barbarian" Movie
Another hotly anticipated title, Diablo II, will be coming to the Mac in early 2000. This movie features the Barbarian.

Inside Mac Games

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